I told Dr. M that I shouldn't have any more days off.....because....I go fabric shopping. But I saw this fabric called
Petal Pushers by Pearl Louise Krush designs and couldn't pass it up. There were 11 coordinating fabrics in the line but I kept myself to just 4. I'm going to make a
star block quilt from them. Aren't they just
lucious! My friend, Janine, bought all 11 fabrics. Now we have to figure out what she'll make using them all.

I have been sewing also. Finished all the
Pinwheel blocks and put the top together. I ended up using less blocks than I had originally planned but now I have enough Pinwheels left over to make a baby quilt too. I think I'll put a small border of
light orange 30's fabric and then a wider
lavendar border out of 30's fabric too. I really love this one.

Also made a few more Tag Alongs. Suzanne from my Bee gave me some Minke scraps and I just happened to have a busy kittie fabric that matched the bright pink and a cute little bunny fabric to match the circles Minke.

I mentioned that I wanted to make a quilt from
Ricky Tims Kool Kaleidoscope quilts book. I started buying fabrics for it. I know, I know....they certainly don't look like they go together. But after studying his method I followed his tips about what fabrics to use. Basically....ANY as long as there is contrast. I still need to get a few mottled fabrics to add to these to give your eye somewhere to rest. I'm getting quite excited to start the process and my Bee wants to see how all these fabrics can actually look good together. (Sure hope I don't disappoint them.)

That's it for now.
Happy Quilting!