Random pictures from this last year or so!
Everyone in masks! I had made lots of masks for the grandchildren to wear to school. Ellie wanted something different. We had made them for every holiday, in every color, and even for some of her friends to have matching masks. She had an old backpack with those wonderful sequence that could be swiped up and down to change the colors. We found enough good area left to make a mask out of it. We used a purchased paper mask like nurses wear and just sewed the sequence fabric to it. So it is soft and comfortable on her face but can be swiped to change the colors on the front. She was quite the personality at school with that one.
Ellie and I have made several gnomes for holidays. She spent the weekend around Easter so we had to make an Easter Gnome. We think she turned out really cute.
Over the 4th of July last year we made patriotic flip flops. Just cut up lots of red, white and blue ribbons and tied them onto a purchased pair of flip flops.
My daughter, Nicky, enters lots of Give-Aways. She seems to win a lot! She won a package of these fabrics. They were cute and girly. I made this quilt for Nicky's daughter, Ellie for when she graduates from high school......she is only 12 now. Can't be too prepared!!
I have been making Waffle Cookies for years. They seem to be a favorite with my children and grandchildren. Just had to post a picture here. I don't make them much anymore unless there is a family get together. They are so rich and chocolaty.
Nicky needed some fabric arrows for a game for a family reunion. I made several of these and filled them with fish tank rocks. They worked really well.
My daughter, Krista, brought me some fabric back from a trip to London (I think). I made these 4 patch stars framed with dark purple points. I think the dark purple really brightened up the subdued fabrics.
This is a
scrap quilt that I started as a leader and ender quilt. No rhyme or reason to the colors, just wanted to use up fabric. I finally put a dark blue polka dot fabric on the back and gave it to my Grandson Spencer and his new bride, Mariana for their wedding this last weekend. It is really bright and fun. Forgot to get a picture of it with them. But they loved it.

Over 53 years ago I was in college at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. These are 2 of my roommates. Over the years all 6 of us kept in touch. However, only 5 of us write now. One roomie we have lost contact with over the years. We can't find a current address for her. Anyway, so much has happened over the years. Here, 3 of us are together for the funeral of MaryAnn's husband. Vivian, (in pink,) is from Boston but now lives about 30 minutes from me, (in gold) in Utah. MaryAnn is in the middle and lives in Wyoming. Funny how you don't see each other for years and years and still feel the love and support of college roomies. We had so much fun remembering the past and catching up on the present.
Well thats it for now. I've not been quilting as much as I like but I have been trying to put a few tops together.......they may never get quilted but it keeps me happy. Nicky gave me bunches of old jeans she wants to make into picnic quilts for family members. Over the past few weeks I have started cutting them into squares for rag quilts. So far I have enough for 2 or 3 quilts. Still 2 more boxes to cut up. At least the blocks will be ready for her when she actually wants to start making them into quilts.
Happy Quilting everyone! Lynda