Would you believe a good blogging friend,
Vreni, from Oops- Lah ,has nominated me for an award! I get to tell 7 things about myself then send it on to 12 other bloggers. So here goes...
1. When I started this whole blogging thing it was just to keep a record for myself of the quilts I have made. BUT it has developed into a fun activity for me. I really enjoy meeting other bloggers online and seeing what you are all working on. So much inspiration and of course, I want to make whatever you have!
2. When I was a teenager my boyfriend got me a
pet skunk. I know, weird!
3. I love to
read but I try to find books that don't have any junk (sex scenes, foul language, etc) that I have to skip over.
4. I really enjoy the
challenges other bloggers put out there that make me try harder. Like I made a quilt in a day. I've tried machine quilting too but that one just seems beyond me.
5. I work for an
oral surgeon which has been great. Several of my children and grandchildren have had their wisdom teeth extracted for free and since I am falling apart now, I have had 3 implants too.
6. I love
Sundays. It is really a day of rest for me. No cleaning house, no work, sitting around reading a good book, usually quilting or food magazines, or just relaxing and going to Church.
7. One of my daughters gave me this last one: I am the
COOLEST MOM in the World!!!Now to pass it on to others:Mrs. Moen....Nina Lise has the best sense of humor and makes the most thoughtful quilts ever. Her quilts always make me reflect on my own life. Check out her blog.http://mrsmoen.blogspot.com/Aunty Henny...Helen makes wonderful quilts, and dolls, and she promises to show her Ballerina Bag soon. She likes to "sing" on her blog. I always recognize the songs too.http://auntyhennys.blogspot.com/Leona's Quilting Adventure...Leona has such a fun blog to read. Her quilts are great. Right now she is asking for blocks for her sister who is fighting cancer. Drop over there and maybe you'll want to add your blocks too.http://oneygirl-myquiltingadventure.blogspot.com/Camp Gramma...Sharon has the cutest grandkids and she shares projects that she has been working on with and for them. She is lucky enough to live close to them.http://campgramma.blogspot.com/Gone Stitchin'...Cheryll is working on some great block swaps. She just won a giveaway. Check out her blog.http://stitchingcubbyhole.blogspot.com/Stray Stitches...Linda has a really fun blog. She shares pictures of her dogs, gives quotes for the day, and finds time to quilt. Don't miss this one.http://straystitches1.blogspot.com/Pokeydot quilting...Pokey feels like my next door neighbor now. She just finished the cutest ladybug quilt top. So cute!http://pokeydotquilting.blogspot.com/Sweet P Quilting and Creations...Paulette just won a book in a giveaway and now wants to share it with others. Get on over there and you could read it next....only thing is ...you get to pass it on when your finished with it. What a fun way to share books.http://sweetp-paulette.blogspot.com/There are so many more that I read often but I have noticed that several of them have already received awards so I don't want to pass this on to them right now. Enjoy yourselves! Lynda