IT is.....all the wedges, butts, wedgies and 1st border on. Please don't look too closely. That center orange star was a challenge! 12 points all coming together!! The process was fun...seeing the stages was fun...sewing the wedges was even fun. I wasn't sure I liked it for quite a while but now I think I
LOVE it. I need to figure out how to put together all the left over pieces for the outside border but I think that will even be fun.
I ran into other quilters who have been working on Kaliedoscope quilts too.
Autie Em at Quilt Crossing is giving such great details of her experience with this pattern and from her blog you can get to Carol's at piecedgoods and Patty's at quiltfever also to see how they are doing. (Or you can get there from my sidebar...I know I know, my daughter has shown me 3 times how to make it so you can click on their names here and get to them but for the life of me I can never do it when she's not sitting here beside me to help!!!) Amazing how different they all look from each other. Carol is doing hers in monchromatic colors and it is so elegant. Patty is using lots of color like me and it is beautiful. Be sure to check theirs out too.
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Happy Quilting! Lynda