For the good news....I put together the table runner top from Mrs. Moen's mystery quilt. It is so cute. 4 roosters all lined up. I even had a great fabric left over from one of my chicken quilts to use on the back. Perfect don't you think? It was fun to do this mystery and wonder what the finished quilt would look like. Now I need to try to machine quilt it myself hoping to semi copy the look that Mrs Moen did on hers but possibly with my own variation....which is pretty much hit and miss for me!

More good news: 2 of my daughters, Nicky on the left and Krista on the right, and I had our Red Pajama weekend together. Bad news: my daughter, Denise and granddaughter Kelsey, got stuck in Chicago and couldn't get the next flight to Salt Lake City. It was quite a disappointment for us all but we know that when we are lucky enough to fly for free (Krista works for SW airlines) then we have to be ready for disappointment on making flights sometimes. Kelsey, called me crying about not making it but Denise decided they would have fun anyway so they had their own mother/daughter weekend. We all sent pictures back and forth showing what we were doing. We went out to eat a couple of times, went to a couple movies, a play and had a pedicure again. We also went shopping for maternity clothes for Nicky. Boy, maternity clothes sure have changed since I was pregnant!! Nothing hangs loose...everything is tight. Dresses are unbelieveably short and hard to find in the first place. We didn't get much for Nicky but we got a few cute baby things to add to our darling little girl collection.

Also, I gave the quilts to them. They were so surprised and excited. They turned out soooo cute. Today I need to mail the other one to Denise. We had such a great time together and were so sad it came to an end so soon. Oh well, time to plan the next one!
I'm in the process of pulling reds and creams from my stash to make a snowball quilt. 3 quilts are at the quilters also. Boy, I sure love quilting.
Happy quilting to you all. Lynda