This morning my sister-in-law, Diane, called to see if I wanted to help dip chocolates. Of course! We spent about 2 1/2 hours dipping cherries, orange, raspberry, pina colada creams, coconut, snickers, caramels and mint truffles. I brought home a few plates to share with friends and saved a few for myself. They are delicious!

Then down to my sewing room to work on the snowball quilt.

Pictures are out of order again even after I numbered them so I would have them in the right order. Oh well. The top picture is some of the cream snowballs made and the bottom picture is all the red ones finished and the cream ones ready to go. I will have 118 of each which will make a good sized quilt when finished.

How do you like my new ironing board cover and iron? My old cover was so spotted and torn that I had to break down and buy a new one. The iron was a gift from my friend, Janine. She always thinks she has to give me something in payment for helping her with quilts. I think we both will always be in debt to each other!

I've also started another Buggy Barn quilt. There will be 4 tractor blocks and 6 truck blocks. Above is string piecing part of a block. I like to string piece but I have to be careful to keep them all in the right order. I don't cut them apart until they are ironed and I have the next piece ready to add.

This is part A which has 5 pieces. Hard to tell that it is the cab of the tractor with the window. You can see part B to the right which has 4 pieces. They are sewn together and then added to part A. Then I added C and D in the below picture. You can see I still have to do parts E and F.

In this picture you can see how much smaller the finished product is than the original cut pieces. The white section you can see on the outside right and bottom yellow pieces is the size of the original pattern before sewn together. Between each section I had to trim the edges to make a nice straight edge to sew each section to.....the trimmings are in a pile. I stack the cut pieces on the original pattern and then onto a piece of cardboard in case I have to move them while working on something else.
The tractors are in blue, yellow, green and a wavy stripe. The trucks are in purple, gold, blue, green, black and red. It will be a very bright quilt. Can't wait to see it!
My husband and I decided to go out for dinner tonight. Bad idea. . . . prom night. Every nice restaurant was full. We ended up getting a hamburger.