A few weeks ago I made a comment to a blogging friend that it was amazing because she sat down at her sewing machine and 3 hours later she had a quilt top finished. She said it was a fairly easy pattern and then challenged me to try it. Well. . . .never one to turn down a challenge. . .I went to work on my day off and what do you know? 3 hours later I had 2 40 inch square baby quilts put together using scraps of blues and pinks and whites.

About a year ago I started two plastic bins. One for a boy and one for a girl. I've been trying to make a few things to have ready for when I become a grandmother again. That is why I chose to make baby quilts for the challenge. There are 41 pink/blue squares per quilt and I made sure that I used 41 different fabrics per quilt. Once again, it didn't seem to make a dent in my stash (and my stash isn't that big!)
I saw a cute quilt made with just squares and then a few big bright flowers were appliqued onto it. I may have to do that with the pink one. Maybe a couple of cars around the border on the blue one.
Thank you Sue for the challenge. It was fun to see what could be accomplished in 3 hours.
Keep on quilting. Lynda