Quilting has been such a big part of my life. My mother quilted but she only made 1 quilt at a time and it took months. She even hand quilted everything she made. I, on the other hand, have several quilts in progress. This morning I looked through my sewing room cabinets and found several quilts that just needed a border, or the backing made, or the binding. So I made a "Let's get this finished" list and stuck it on the wall where I have to look at it every day. Of course, today my friend, Janine, and I are going shopping to pick up a couple more black/white fabrics so we can start another quilt.
A few years ago my daughter, Krista, surprised me by taking me to Paducah, Tennessee to the big quilt show. We decided to go at the last minute so our Motel was about an hour away. But she was a real trooper and walked miles every day through the quilt show, vendors mall, and took classes with me even though she doesn't make quilts. She says she does like to be the recipient of quilts and that counts for something.
My daughter, Nicky, has spent a lot of time with me looking through quilt magazines and picking out quilts to make. I had made a couple of Chenille baby quilts and so she decided that it looked fairly easy and she would make one....but bigger for herself. After hours of sewing those lines and then cutting them she said 1 was enough! Here is a picture of the one she made. The picture doesn't do it justice tho. It is pink and blue and so soft.

Nicky started this Storm at Sea quilt about 10 years ago when she was in High School. She set it aside for awhile because she was busy with other things, hadn't quite caught the quilting bug, and said it was a little boring sewing the same lines over and over. However, when she started putting the blocks together and she could see the pattern emerge.....she was hooked. She loves the way the straight lines look like curved lines to the eye. She even took a sewing class in college her first year and they made a sampler quilt. I think she may have known more than her teacher since she had watched me for so many years and had actually made a quilt herself before the class. It isn't finished yet because she doesn't want to have it quilted by someone else, she wants to do the whole thing. Now she has several quilts marked in magazines that she wants to make some day.